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Why Attend StudyNet Event?

One-to-one virtual or Face-to-face consultation with
top-ranked universities representatives

On-sport assessment (GTE assessment, Free SOP guideline, and visa assistance)

No registration fee & opportunity to apply with spouse and kids

Open discussion  with our education counsellors on accommodation, working hours, Post Study work visa & PR

Save up on your family or couple Overseas Student Health Cover (OHSC)

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It is understandable that as it is a business so they are here to make money. But StudyNet staffs actually will try their best to save your hard earned money as much as possible by guiding you with the best pathway possible.

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Arif Ahmed
From Bangladesh
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The company offers totally fantastic services - and these days it is not easy to find a genuine and trustworthy education provider like that in Australia. Their consultants are helpful, quick and reliable - particularly, it was a pleasure to work with Yasmin!!!

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Eva Bodova
From Slovakia
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STUDYNET has helped me to find the right path in my career.
Especially my alot of thanks to Mohammad Hussain and Jyothi for proper guideance. I would really appreciate their efforts.

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Hardeep Aulakh
From India
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Studynet help me find the right path of my career and they also very heartwarming to assist and give advice for new student like me.Thank you Vee Wahid for a great and friendly assist.

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Mohd Asuad
From Malaysia
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I would like to thank study net for a big effort in my application and my study . Thanking them in all they did to accept me and my need of study .
Would like to thank PTG as well for accepting me through my need of study .

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From Fiji
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This place is the best if you are confused about your course or career . My consultant Jyothi was amazing and has worked so hard on my admissions and paper works. Really satisfied with the service and would recommend it to everyone ..

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Ashwin S Kumar
From India

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