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Why StudyNet?

Our service is 100% free!
We discuss your course & career options providing study choices that match your budget and goal. We manage all paperwork for your student visa application taking the stress out of entire process!

We speak your Language
We speak English, Bangla, Urdu, Hindi, Tamil, Bahasa, Nepali, Panjabi, Sinhala, Vietnamese & Spanish.

Experienced Counsellors
We are a leading Education & Migration Consulting Company headquartered in Sydney and has city offices in Melbourne and Brisbane in Australia and in 6 countries globally . Our counselors are PIER and MARA Certified.

We have 3 offices in Australia
SYDNEY: Suite 1.02, Level 1, 233 Castlereagh Street, Sydney 2000.
MELBOURNE: Suite 113, 343 Little Collins Street, Melbourne Vic 3000
PERTH: Suite 158, Level 2, 580 Hay Street, Perth 6000

$150 Referral Bonus
Refer a friend to enrol through us and get $150 for every successful referral. Conditions apply*

PR pathway Course
Receive proactive assistance from our education experts in choosing appropriate program or schools for further studies.